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Common Questions

You’ll find the answers to our most frequently asked questions here that might give you the exact information you need. If you don’t find the answers to your questions on this page, we’re more than happy to answer your questions personally. Just fill out our convenient online contact form anytime.

What states do you serve?

Currently, we are only servicing portions of California.

Who typically sells houses to The Beltramo Group?

People all over California from all walks of life. People sell their houses to us for a variety of reasons.

How does the house buying process work?

Please fill out the contact form on our site and we can review your situation.  Once we know the specifics, we can then contact you with details.




How do you determine the exact price you'll pay for my house?

The current condition of your house, The cost and extent of repairs and renovations required, The amount of time it will take to complete needed repairs and renovations, The retail value of your house compared to others in the area after completing repairs and renovations, The amount of real estate commissions required to sell the house after repairs and renovations, The cost of maintaining the house during repairs and renovations until it’s ready to put on the market, including insurance, taxes, loan payments, utilities, and more



Am I obligated by submitting information on your contact form?

No, absolutely not.  We are happy to review your information in order to make you an offer.


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